It is known that testosterone enanthate, a synthetic variant of testosterone, plays a critical role in enhancing mental and physical health.

Athletes and bodybuilders seeking improved performance often run to Testosterone Enanthate to boost their strength and endurance.

This article will explore Testosterone Enanthate benefits, how it works in the body, and its ideal dosage.

Testosterone Enanthate – What is it?

Testosterone Enanthate is an anabolic steroid typically used to treat testosterone deficiency in men. The drug is made by combining the testosterone molecule with the enanthate molecule – a fatty acid ester.

Enanthate prohibits the testosterone from absorbing into the bloodstream. Without it, testosterone would reach peak levels and would merely last for a few hours in the body.


Testosterone Enanthate has been manufactured for over 40 years, initially in 1954. Enanthate is interchangeable with Testosterone Cypionate because the half-life of both esters is similar.

Testosterone Enanthate Benefits

Driven by its substantial benefits, Testosterone Enanthate is gaining immense popularity among bodybuilders. Some of its significant benefits are described as follows:

More Muscle, Less Fat

Testosterone Enanthate is responsible for increasing the muscle mass. Leaner body mass aids in increasing energy and controlling weight. For men with low testosterone levels, this drug helps increase body mass and strength while decreasing fat mass.

In some cases, the users have reported lean body mass but no increase in strength. Therefore, users are assumed to notice more benefits when Testosterone is combined with the exercise and training sessions.

Healthy Heart

A healthy heart pumps the right amount of blood and oxygen to all body organs and parts. This oxygen and blood pumping is necessary to ensure peak body performance.

In addition, testosterone helps boost the production of red blood cells through bone marrow. In case there are low testosterone levels, the chances of cardiovascular issues are high.

Some studies have shown that taking testosterone enanthate helps in improving heart health. Consequently, people are less likely to suffer from a heart attack.

Stronger Bones

Testosterone plays a crucial role in regulating and maintaining bone mineral density. As men age, the bone decreases with the decrease in testosterone levels. Such a condition makes a body more prone to bone diseases such as osteoporosis and weak bones. Strong bones help in maintaining the health of internal organs and stronger muscles.

Research has shown that testosterone enanthate treatment increases bone density in the body, specifically in hip and spinal bone density.

Better Brain Functioning

It is also shown in some studies that men with higher ratios of total testosterone levels have reduced the chances of Alzheimer’s disease. A strong relationship exists between testosterone and thinking abilities, including faster processing speed and verbal memory.

Furthermore, testosterone enanthate treatment has improved spatial memory among men between 34 and 70.

Concluding Thoughts

Testosterone Enanthate benefits have increased its usage over the past 40 years. Despite its benefits and popularity, it has some side effects if not used responsibly. Therefore, it is always recommended to consult your healthcare provider to decide the correct dosage for your body based on your goals.