It’s difficult to define the dos and don’ts of web design because creating a highly engaging site has become such a difficult task. Because there are thousands of various points of view on the internet, unskilled designers have a difficult time determining the best practices.

There are, however, a number of scientifically validated web development practices that can assist you in creating a visually appealing website. We’ll show you the ten most efficient ways to do it in this post. Let’s have a peek, shall we?

Keep It Simple

The main rule of web design is to keep it simple and only use things that will have a significant impact on visitors. Visitors will be distracted and bounce rates will rise if you add too many components to the website. Remember that in this scenario, less is more, so don’t overwhelm potential clients with unnecessary information.

Important Facts Go Above and Beyond

Although the entire web design community is divided on whether or not the fold exists, we strongly advise you to consider it and arrange key items above the fold. After all, according to studies, users spend 80% of their viewing time above the fold. The most sensible thing to do in such a situation is to respect the fold and keep it in mind when developing a website.

Keep an eye on the load speed.

A typical user anticipates a website loading in two to three seconds. It’s a basic principle of user experience, therefore make sure to increase website load speed and provide a smooth consumer trip. Pingdom is a good place to start if you don’t know how. In a few simple clicks, the platform will analyze your URLs and make recommendations on how to improve load performance.

Make Use Of Lists

Lists are frequently used by content authors to capture readers’ interest and boost dwell durations. The same is true for web design, where bulletins and listicles can entice readers to consume more of your material. Lists are easily visible and scannable, making them ideal for fast consumption. And here’s a bonus tip: reserve the most crucial information for the first and last bulletins, because readers remember them the best.

Include social proofs.

Did you know that consumers’ shopping decisions are influenced by word of mouth, which accounts for approximately $6 trillion in annual spending? It’s a valuable conclusion that emphasizes the need of using social proofs while building a website. Of course, the goal is to make it as trustworthy as possible by integrating real consumer comments, photographs, and even videos.

Use photographs of real people.

Another key piece of advice when it comes to social proofs and images is to use photos of real individuals to enhance website content. Human faces provide credibility and persuasion to material, but don’t fall into the trap of using stock photographs that aren’t real. This would be a huge blunder that might harm your site’s authority as well as your overall professional reputation.

Carousels should be avoided.

Image carousels are used on a lot of websites, notably in the sphere of online retail, to present as many products as possible. However, this is often regarded as an out-of-date web design strategy that lowers website performance and user experience. As a result, we recommend avoiding carousels and only using them if you truly believe they would improve customers’ browsing experiences.

Make a direct statement in your headline.

You must be direct and straightforward while writing a webpage headline. You’ll persuade people to move on and consume the stuff they’re looking for this way. Expert essay writing services are well aware of this strategy, which is why they choose headlines like “Hire professional essay writers” that are concise and keyword-rich. Users know they’ve arrived at the proper site because the title says it all.

Use vibrant colors to draw attention to CTAs.

Every webpage’s purpose is to persuade visitors to execute a very specific activity. This is why we utilize calls to action (CTA) to encourage people to take action.

‘Making CTAs larger and more obvious is the greatest method to make them stand out.’ Make a striking contrast between the backdrop color and the rest of the homepage content by using bright colors like red, orange, or green to highlight a CTA,’ says Ben Williams, the CakeHR’s principal web designer.

Keep an eye on the style.

The final point on our checklist is to pay attention to style and use font that properly complements the brand’s identity. Aside from that, to optimize the impact of your design on target consumers, you should mix gorgeous typefaces with high-quality content.


Although creating a website isn’t rocket science, many designers become easily perplexed due to the abundance of varied advice and opinions available online. We provide you with ten research-based web design tips in this article. Have you used any of these methods before? Please let us know in the comments section so that we may continue to explore this fascinating issue!